The Three Pillars of Employment Longevity

Dr. Corinthia Price |

Entrepreneurship Education blog

Many employers, hiring managers, and supervisors identified three specific criteria they use to decide who to keep and who to let go. It’s important to know exactly what employers are looking for when hiring new full-time employees and retaining current employees. Having a positive attitude, possessing relevant 21st century skills, and sound work habits increases the chances of retaining employment. Possessing these traits forms a foundation for a good employee.

1. Work Habits

Every employee manifests a set of work habits. Some of these habits are reliability, professionalism, and flexibility.


It’s essential to be professional if you want to be a success. But what does “being professional” actually mean? So, what is professionalism? Professionalism is level of excellence directed toward one’s competence that is exhibited in one’s work. Components of professionalism include attitude, accountability, image, honesty and integrity. Professionals should be accountable for their views, words, and actions. Professionalism contains a number of different characteristics, and, together, these attributes identify and define a professional.


This is an interesting word! One definition is a form of trustworthiness, or being responsible for one’s conduct or actions. Reliability is a major work habit quality. You cannot be partially or mostly reliable. Reliability is one of those qualities that either you have or you don’t. To be reliable means to be consistent. Reliability is more than a skill set or a word, it’s an attribute.


Employers are looking for flexible employees who can walk into a changing work environment and adapt to the changes. The 21st century marketplace is constantly and rapidly changing. How adaptable you are in the workplace reflects key traits, as well as competencies needed for success. Embracing change can increase your opportunities.

2. Having a Positive Attitude

The attitudes of employees in the workplace can have an effect on organizational success. An employee’s attitude tends to have a drastic impact on the productivity of a business. Having a positive attitude not only ensures workplace longevity but ensures an increase in earning potential. A positive attitude creates loyal customers which in turn creates new customers. The difference between being successful and unsuccessful in the workplace is always attitude.

Attitude is Everything …. Keep It Positive”

3. 21st Century Skills

Global competition and changes in technology all suggest that the majority of jobs in the 21st century will require employees to have a broader range of skills. In the workplace of the 21st century, workers will need to be better educated to fill new jobs and be more flexible to respond to the changing knowledge and skill requirements of existing jobs. Employees must have the skills to work with teams that are global and virtual in nature. They will need to master knowledge in a real-world environment by thinking critically, analyzing information, comprehending new ideas, communicating, collaborating in teams, and solving problems.

Out of the criteria mentioned above managers and supervisors state that by far “attitude” is the most important of the three to employment longevity. You can further develop employee’s skills and help improve their work habits, but employer will not try to fix an employee’s attitude.

Work Habits + Positive Attitude +21st Century Skills = Employment Longevity