Understanding the U.S. Election Process: A Guide for School Librarians and Advocates

Dr. Corinthia Price |


Elections are fundamental to democratic societies, enabling citizens to select their leaders and influence the future of their communities and nations. But what is the most effective way to explain this important idea to children in a manner that engages their curiosity and imagination?

Start by having a simple conversation about making choices. Ask your students how to decide which game to play or book to read. This can help them understand how everyday decisions are similar to voters' choices during elections. It's a relatable way to introduce the importance of elections and how they shape our communities.  

Below is a sample lesson outline that librarians and teachers can use to teach students about the election process and the roles of the President and Vice President. These plans include interactive activities, discussions, and multimedia resources designed to engage students and deepen their understanding of how leaders are chosen in a democracy. Each lesson is crafted to be age-appropriate, offering step-by-step guidance on conducting mock elections, facilitating classroom debates, and exploring the responsibilities of these key political figures. By incorporating these lessons, educators can help students grasp the significance of civic participation and the impact of elections on their lives.

Lesson 1: What is Democracy

Title: Welcome to Your Civic Journey!

Text: Learn how our country's leaders are elected and their important roles. Dive into the exciting world of democracy!

Subsections: Sample Activity

Materials Needed:

  • Interactive digital presentation (slides with images and videos)
  • Printable voting ballots
  • Ballot box (can be a simple decorated box)
  • Role-play badges
  • Chart paper and markers
  • Stickers for voting

Lesson Breakdown:

1. Introduction (10 minutes)

  • Begin with a simple question: "Have you ever decided as a group on what game to play or what movie to watch?"
  • Explain that in a democracy, people make decisions together about who will lead them and how they will be governed, and this process is called an election.

2. Interactive Presentation (15 minutes)

  • Show a short animated video or a slide presentation explaining:
  • What is democracy?
  • How are leaders elected?
  • What roles do these leaders play?
  • Include visuals of a voting process, the role of a president, governor, mayor, etc.

3. Role Play Activity (20 minutes)

  • Divide the class into small groups and assign roles: candidates, voters, and election officials.
  • Candidates will create a simple campaign poster using chart paper and markers, stating why they should be elected (e.g., "Vote for me, I promise more sports equipment!").
  • Election officials will manage the voting process and count votes.
  • Voters will use stickers on printable ballots to vote for their preferred candidate.

4. Voting Process (10 minutes)

  • Allow each child to cast their vote by putting their ballot in the ballot box.
  • Election officials tally the votes and announce the winner.

5. Discussion and Conclusion (5 minutes)

Discuss with the students:

  • How did it feel to vote?
  • How important is it to participate in choosing our leaders?
  • Conclude by emphasizing the importance of having a voice in a democracy and how every vote counts.

6. Wrap-Up

  • Hand out stickers or certificates to all participants for being great democratic citizens.

Lesson 2: The Election Process

Title: How Are Leaders Elected?

  • Subsections:
    • What is an Election?
      • Simple explanation of what an election is and its importance in a democracy.
    • The Path to the Presidency
      • Step-by-step explanation of the election process, from primary elections to the general election.
      • Infographic: A visual timeline showing key steps in the election process.
    • Electoral College: What’s That?
      • Description of how the Electoral College works.
      • Video: A short animation explaining the Electoral College.

Lesson 3: Roles of the President & Vice President

Title: What Do the President and Vice President Do?

  • Subsections:
    • The President’s Job
      • Overview of the President's roles: Chief Executive, Commander-in-Chief, Chief Diplomat, etc.
      • Interactive Chart: Clickable roles with explanations.
    • The Vice President’s Job
      • Overview of the Vice President’s roles: President of the Senate, advisor to the President, etc.
      • Fun Fact Box: Interesting trivia about past Presidents and Vice Presidents.

Lesson 4: Get Involved

Title: Get Involved and Learn More!

  • Subsections:
    • Classroom Activities:
      • Mock Election Kit: Guide to organizing a classroom election.
      • Debate Guidelines: How to hold a debate on key issues.

Title: Test Your Knowledge!

  • Subsections:
    • Interactive Quiz: A multiple-choice quiz on the election process and the roles of the President and Vice President.
    • Games:
      • Election Simulator: A game where students can run their campaign.
      • “Who Said It?”: Match famous quotes with the President who said them.
  • Downloadable Resources:
    • Printable worksheets on the election process.
    • Presidential and Vice Presidential fact sheets.
  • External Links:
    • Links to educational websites and resources for further learning.


Additional Resources


Books That Teach Students About Elections and Voting


Books About Vice President Harris


Voting Resources



Do Something...Get Involved







